Welcome to GAMELOGS, a site for Gamers, like you and me, where you can simply log your played games.
And the best: GAMELOGS is free to use!
The site offers a variety of features to customize your created logs like:
save a comment for a certain game or mark your favorite game.
You can also keep track of when you started and finished playing the game, and of course your total playtime.
Join our Discord Server or feel free to contact us to leave feedback
Feature Overview
Filter your games by year, or display all of them!
Here you see an example of a few gamelogs. Above the table you can set the amount of logs that should be displayed or filter your logs with the searchbar.
Additional Features: Instantly finish your game by clicking the "✔" - Button or mark it as your favorite by clicking the "☆" - Button!
You can easily edit your gamelogs by clicking the Edit-Button (✎) or delete them.
If you want to add a new gamelog, you can log the following details: Gametitle, Started playing at, Finished playing at, Playtime in Minutes, Favorite, Comment, Platform and Rating. Only the Gametitle is required to save a Log!
Join our Discord Server or feel free to contact us to leave feedback
Have a nice day! 😊
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